- Links und Literatur zu Straßenkinder in Europa
Links und Literatur zur Straßenkinder in Europa
Alexandrescu, G. (1996). "Programme Note: Street Children in Bucharest.” Childhood - Special Issue on working and street children 3(2, May), pp. 267-270. (anglais) [FR-3001]
Ball, A. (1993). "State Children: Soviet Russia's Besprizornye and the New Socialist Generation.” The Russian Review 52 (2), pp. 228-247. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Boskic, R./Zajc, M. (1997). "Homelessness; Brezdomstvo.” Teorija in Praksa 34 (2), pp. 241-252. (Slovène) [sociological abstract]
Burke, M. A. (1995). "Children Institutionalization and Child Protection in Central and Eastern Europe”. Florence, Innocenti Occasional Paper N. 52, UNICEF-ICDC, 57 pp. (anglais) [PR]
CAF (1997). "Report on Street Children in Central Europe”. London, CAF Consultant, (anglais)
Childhope, BICE (199?). "Street Children: Resource Sheets for Project Management”. London/Geneva, CHILHOPE/BICE, (anglais) [RL]
Collectif (1997). "Le guide du travailleur social en Roumanie” - Draft, Edition inconnue. (français) [DS]
Creuziger, C. (1997). "Russia's Unwanted children: A cultural Anthropological Study of Marginalized Children in Moscow and St Petersburg.” Childhood 4 (3, Aug.), pp. 343-358. (anglais) [FR, PR]
Dammann, P. (1992). "Die Bahnhofskinder. Bukarest, Warschau, Sofia, St. Petersburg, Tirana”, Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., 126 pp. [3-8012-3045-7] [FR 1091]
Engeberink, G. O./Kruijt, D. (1996). "Enfants des rues dans la ville européenne - Étude préliminaire”. Barcelone/Rotterdam, Centre d'études socio-politiques/Eurociété Comité de Bien-être, juin 1996. [BM/JE]
ENSCW, ISMO et al. (1998). "Straßenkinder und Mobile Jugendarbeit”. Dokumentation zum Symposium vom 8. bis 11. September 1998 in St. Petersburg/Russland. St. Petersburg, 151 pp. (allemand et anglais) [PR]
Gasyuk, G. I./Morova, A.P. (1995). "Economic Reforms and Family Well-Being in Belarus: Caught between Legacies and Prospects”. Florence, Innocenti Occasional Paper N. 54, UNICEF, 50 pp. (anglais) [ISSN 1014-7837] [PR]
Golinowska, S., Balcerzak-Paradowska, B., et al. (1996). "Children in Difficult Circumstances in Poland”. Florence, Innocenti Occasional Paper N. 57, UNICEF, 61 pp. (anglais) [PR]
Himes, J. R./Kessler, S. et al. (1991). "Children