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Literatur: Straßenkinder in Afrika

Adrien, M.-F. (1999). "Enfants de la rue, Exclusion et SIDA à Bangui.” Cahiers de
Marjuvia (9), pp. 7-13. (français) [FR]
[République Centrafricaine, Afrique, perspective culturelle/interculturelle/
interculturelle, famille, SIDA]
Adrien-Rongier, M.-F. (1995). "L'enfance difficile à Bangui (République
Centrafricaine)”. Cahiers de Marjuvia N. 3, pp. 9-13. (français) [FR 2439]
AEF International, Dar es Salaam office (1996). "Final Report for Street Girl Survey”,
January-June 1996. [BM/JE]
Africa Insight 26 (3), 303 pp. (anglais) [issn 0256 2804] [FR 1418]
American Alumni Association of Tanzania (1994). "Final Report of the Conference on
the Plight of Street Children of Tanzania”. Dar es Salaam, 15th September 1994, 66
pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]
A'nkuba, M. et al. (1986). "La vie de sept filles dans les rues de Kinshasa”. Dakar,
ENDA/JEUDA N. 60, 12 pp. (français/anglais) [en suspens]
Anyuru, M. (1996). "Uganda's Street Children.” Africa Insight 26 (3), pp. 268-275.
(anglais) [FR 1418]
Aptekar, L. (1996). "Street children in Nairobi.” Africa Insight 26 (3), pp. 250-250.
(anglais) [FR 1418]
Aptekar, L./Ciano-Federoff, L.M. (1999). "Street Children in Nairobi: Gender
Differences in Mental Health.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent
Development, "Homeless and Working Youth Around the World: Exploring
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Bada, A. et. al. (1990). "Les douze droits du mouvement Africain des enfants et
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Barker, G./Mbogori, E. (1992). "Aids Awareness and Prevention with Kenyan Street
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Bawa, B. (1999). "Choisir de sortir de la rue: une marche avec les jeunes du
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Berstein, A./Gray, M. (1991). "Khaya Lethu-An Abortive Attempt at Dealing with
Street Children.” Maatskaplike-Werk/Social-Work 27 (1), pp. 50-58. (anglais)
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Bibars, I. (1998). "Street Children in Egypt: From the Home to the street to
Inappropriate Corrective Institutions.” Environment and Urbanization 10 (1, Apr.), pp.
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Bilgho, F. F. (1997). "Etre un enfant de la rue à Ouagadougou.” Cahiers de
MARJUVIA N 4., pp. 86-88. (français) [FR]
Blanchet, E. (1998). "Les enfants en circonstances difficiles au Togo: Les garçons et
les filles des rues de Lomé.” Cahiers de Marjuvia (7), pp. 79-95. (français) [FR]
Bourdillon, M. F. C. (1992?). "Street Children in Harare.” Document non-publié.
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Burke, R. et al. (1990). "Summing Up of our experiences in work with street children”.
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Campbell, E./Ntsabane, T. (1999). "Les stratégies juvéniles face aux déséquilibres
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Casas, J. (1991). "L'enfant des milles collines”. Paris, Ed. du Cerf, 150 pp. (français)
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Chetty, V. R. (1997). "Street Children in Durban: an exploratory investigation”.
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Combier, A. (1994). "Les enfants de la rue en Mauritanie. L'initiative de Nouakchott”.
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Davies, R. (1987). "Xaafadda, suuqa iyo jidka”: a study of disadvantaged areas and
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Derquer, J.-F. (1989 Juillet). Nyere! Né de la ville - Pour une méthodologie de
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des jeunes en difficulté en milieu urbain africain, Mémoire de licence (?), 160 pp. [FR
Diaw, B. (1996). "Participatory research is the first step towards political action: the
case of young female domestic servants in Dakar, Senegal.” Childhood - Special
Issue on working and street children 3 (2, May), pp. 271-277. (anglais) [FR]
Diouf, I. (1994). "Violence et violations sur les enfants de la rue”. Ouagadougou,
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Divers auteurs (1989). "Seminar on Street Children in Tanzania - Dar es Salaam”.
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Dodge, C. P. (1992). "Chez les gamins de la rue de Khartoum ou l'art de survivre”.
Protéger les enfants au travail. W. E. Myers. Genève, UNICEF, pp. 133-144.
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Donald, D./Wallis, J., et al. (1997). "An exploration of Meanings: Tendencies toward
developmental Risk and Resilience in a Group of South African Ex-street Children.”
School Psychology International, Vol. 18, pp. 137-194. (anglais) [PR]
Doray, B. (1994). "Toxicomanie et lien social en Afrique”. Paris, L'Harmattan, 245 pp.
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Dube, L./Kamvura, L. et al. (1996). "Working with street boys in Harare.” Africa
Insight 26 (3), pp. 260-267. (anglais) [FR 1418]
Dube, L. (1997). "Aids-risk Patterns and Knowledge of the Disease Among Street
Children in Harare, Zimbawe.” Journal of Social Development in Africa 12 (2), pp. 61-
73. (anglais) [PR]
During, W. (inconnue). "Street and Working Children in Sierra Leone”, Executive
Secretary, National Council for Children, 9 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Ebigo, P. (1996). "Street children: the core of child abuse and neglect in Nigeria.”
Africa Insight 26 (3), pp. 244-249. (anglais) [FR 1418]
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Ener, M. (1996). "Managing the poor in Nineteenth and early Twentieth-Century
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Ennew, J. (1996b). "Difficult circumstances: some reflections on "street children" in
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Hamed, M. M. (1990). "Working children Urban Project”. Cairo, UNICEF, 28-31
august 1990, présentation for the International Child Labour Seminar, Amsterdam, 14
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Handra, T. O. (1992). "The role of NGOs in blocking child Vagrancy”, University of
Khartoum/Paper presented to the Conference of Children at Risk, Norwegian Centre
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Hérault, G./Adesanmi, T. (1997). "Jeunes, Culture de la rue et violence urbaine en
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House of Light (1987). "Enquête sur les filles sans abri de Freetown”. Dakar,
ENDA/JEUDA N. 56, 16 pp. (français/anglais) [en suspens]
Human Rights Watch (1997). "Juvenile injustice: Police abuse and detention of street
children in Kenya”. New York, 155 pp. (anglais) [1-56432-214-9] [PR]
Human Rights Watch Africa (1995). "Children of Sudan: Slaves, Street Children and
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Hunt, P. (1993). "Children's Rights in West Africa: the case of the Gambia's
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Inter-NGO Programme on Street Children and Street Youth/ENDA/UNICEF (1985). "Forum
on Street Children and Street Youth: Final Report”. Abidjan, 24 February - 2 March 1985, 18
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JEUDA (1990). "Les petits métiers exercés par les enfants et les jeunes de
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Kilbride, P./Suda, C./Njeru, E. (2000). "Street Children in Kenya: Voices of Children
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Le Roux, J. (1994). "Street-Wise: Towards a Relevant Education System for Street
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Le Roux, J. (1994). "The Street Child Phenomenon: A South African Perspective”.
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Le Roux, J. (1996). "Street Children in South Africa: Findings from Interviews on the
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Lefort, F./Bader, C. (1990). "Mauritanie: la vie reconciliée”. Paris, Fayard, 238 pp.
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Loforte, A. M. (1994). "Street Children In Mozambique.” The International Journal of
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Lugalla, J. L. P./Mbwambo, J. K. (1999). "Street Children and Street Life in Urban
Tanzania: The Culture of Surviving and its Implications for Children's Health.”
International Journal of Urban and regional research 23 (2), pp. 239-344. (anglais)
Malich, R./Von der Ohe, E./Siege, N. (1996). "Street children of East Africa”:
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Maphapala, T. (1996). "Street Children in Swaziland.” Africa Insight 26 (3), pp. 282-
287. (anglais) [FR 1418]
Marguerat, Y./Poitou, D. (Ed.) (1994). "A l'écoute des enfants de la rue en Afrique
noire - Marginalisation des jeunes dans les villes africaines”, Paris, Fayard, 623 pp.
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Marguerat, Y. (1997). "Les enfants et jeunes de la rue: le processus d'exclusion.”
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Marguerat, Y. (1998). "L'Europe frontière de l'Afrique: Les chemins du 'Pays-des-
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Marguerat, Y. (1999). "Les chemins qui mènent à la rue: Un essai de synthèse sur
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Marguerat, Y. (1999). "Les actions en faveur des enfants de la rue au Caméroun.”
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May, A. (1996). "Handshops and hope: Young Street Vendors in Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania.” Anthropology of Work Review 17 (1-2 summer fall), pp. 25-34. (anglais)
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Mbanjabahizi, J. D./Munyakazi M. et al. (1990). "Etude de l’identification des besoins
et aspirations des enfants de la rue et de leurs conditions de vie dans les centres
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ENDA/JEUDA N. 73, 16 pp. (français) [en suspens]
Muchini, B./Nyandiya-Bundy S. (1991). "Struggling to survive: A Study of Street
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Mulders, T. (1995). "Children en route: a situation analysis of street children and
street children's projects in Dar-es-Salaam”, Rapport, 65 pp. (anglais) [BM/JE]
Munene, J./Nambi, J. (1996). "Understanding and helping street children in Uganda.”
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Mungala, A. S. (1995). "La situation des jeunes à Kinshasa.” Cahier de Marjuvia (N.
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Munyakho, D. (1992). "Kenya: child newcomers in the urban jungle”. Florence, ICDC,
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Onana, J.-B. (1996). "Les enfants prostitués de Johannesburg (Afrique du Sud).”
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Phiri, J. (1996). "The plight of street children in Zambia.” Africa Insight 26 (3), pp.
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Smith, C. S. (1997). "The Life-World of Street Children in Durban Metropolitan Area”.
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Sohm, F. (1997) "Les enfants de la rue de Luanda (Angola).” Cahier de Marjuvia (N.
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